Biblical confessions for victory over all financials problems and for your Business

God is power source of wealth and business ideas. As you confess these words of God about prosperity everyday, you shall receive victory all your financial problems. <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> - Jesus is the lord of this earth. The earth with all it's fullness belongs to the Lord - Ps 24: 1 - I seek first the kingdom of God, therefore everything I need shall be added unto me. Luke 12:31 - I delight myself in the word of God therefore I am blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in my house. PS. 112: 1-3. - I remember the Lord my God for it is he that gives me power to get wealth. Debut. 8:18 - With me riches and honour, enduring wealth and prosperity. Prov. 8:18 - I am crowned with wealth- Proverbs 14:24. - I magnify the Lord who has pleasure in my prosperity - Psalm 35:27 - The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want - Psalm 2...